Desi MMS Of A Sexy Babe Enjoying Outdoor Sex With Her White Boyfriend

Las mujeres entran gritando en el vagón casi vacío, están de fiesta, oigo que es el cumpleaños de la mujer de negro, de repente ella gira la cabeza y mira en mi dirección-¡anda mira! mira quien tenemos aquí, un solitario-grita la mujer de negro a sus amigasSus amigas comienzan a reír, las cuatros mujeres se dirigen hacia mí, yo de pie sujeto en la barra agacho la cabeza.Noto como las mujeres se acercan a mí, ya no hablan, noto como me rodean, levanto la mirada, ante mí la mujer de negro me mira cara a cara. Es una preciosa rubia, larga melena, ojos verdes, su vestido negro ceñido marcan unos preciosos pechos levemente caídos.-¡holaaaa!-murmura la rubia frente de mi caraA mi derecha la mujer con el vestido naranja coloca una de sus manos en uno de mis brazos. Es una preciosa pelirroja de pelo largo, a juego con su vestido.-¡holaaaa!-murmura la pelirroja medio riendoA mi izquierda la mujer del vestido rosa posa una de sus manos en mi cuello, lanzo un suspiro al notar su mano acariciar. Blen slid forward and ran her hands up to Belles belly, then dipped her head to lick and kiss her stomach. She worked her way back to Belle’s pussy, and kissed the opening to her vagina, then parting Belle’s labia, set to work with her tongue. Replaying in her head the patterns she had felt passing over her vagina, she tried to reproduce them, varying speed and pressure and location, and teasing, finally moving in, in earnest, on Belles clitoris. Belle stiffened, gasped, and greedily clutched Blen’s head to her pussy. ‘Keep it going … Keep it going,’ she gasped. Blen continued to buzz and vibrate Belle’s clitoris for several minutes, as Belle continued to clasp her head tight against her pussy. Several times Belle contracted and sighed before she began to relax, and at last released Blen’s head. While she lay back and recomposed herself, Blen made lazy circles round Belle’s vagina with her tongue. Finally, Belle sat up. ‘Gee, that was good, you had me on a roll there, I think I came.
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